Roger Waters. Comfortably Numb 2022. A Very Different Take Using CGI

I am an unashamed Pink Floyd fan, and also love Roger Waters (who left the band bloody yonks ago).  I had an article a few weeks back about the Pulse video and especially the track Comfortably Numb, which I think I described as a masterpiece in video and visual production overall.

Well, Roger Waters has just released a solo version of it called Comfortably Numb 2022. It is described as a “Dark”: version. It is that, I have to say; and with no guitar solo which was the highlight of previous versions. But it is extremely haunting for other reasons, not the least being the brilliant use of simply almost monochrome CGI panning over a landscape.

You can read into this whatever conflict you will – or all conflicts for that matter – but it does use music and video to project intensly powerful emotions I think, and is a masterclass in video / music creation of simplicity not needing more than careful thought of what exactly you are trying to portray or say.

See for yourself.


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